beth bundy designs

designer. photographer. illustrator.


Freedom and Individuality.

Beth Bundy

I have an idea for an installation. My vision is a to design a variety of insect bodies, wings, legs and antennae and then have community members each create their own layered insect using the paper cuts.  I will sew them together and string them to eventually float together, filling a room, all on their own, unique and free, but together.  

Maybe it's a representation of how I feel our country is today.  We are all in our own little worlds floating along and surviving the best that we can.  Free to make our own choices.  Free to go where we please and try to stay alive.  Each of us colorful and special in our own ways.  But even though we are on our own paths, we are connected.  We live next to each other, with each other, and we affect each other.  So we must must recognize one another and honor our separateness and togetherness.  

This is just the beginning of my thought process.  I'm not sure how I'll represent the powers that be, or mother nature, or survival of the fittest.  And I'm not worried about that because I know it will change and evolve as I experiment with the insects and involve other people.  That's what I love about these kind of community projects...they change with the times and I will change with them and hope that the idea is not destroyed or lost along the way.