beth bundy designs

designer. photographer. illustrator.

Creating a vision.

Beth Bundy

Today starts a new year.  New Year's Eve has always held too many unfulfilled expectations for me but I've always loved New Year's Day.  I try my best to start the year off right by eating healthy, getting outdoors for some exercise, and spending time with friends and family.  Creating a vision board has also become a family tradition as we look forward to the new year, set intentions, and think about our hopes for the year.  Our board usually ends up with yummy foods, far off lands, smiling faces, and words of wisdom.  It hangs in our basement so we can look at is a reminder throughout the year.

Our family vision board from 2015.  We reuse the same bulletin board each year and just pin the magazine clippings on the board.  When the new year rolls around we take a photo of the board before we take the pins out and choose new images…

Our family vision board from 2015.  We reuse the same bulletin board each year and just pin the magazine clippings on the board.  When the new year rolls around we take a photo of the board before we take the pins out and choose new images for the new year.

We have not yet created the family vision board but I did supply my friends today with magazines, scissors, and glue during our "lucky lunch" of black-eyed pea soup.  As we chatted about recent times and future plans, I searched through magazines for images and words to contribute and thought about what I want to focus on for 2017.  Later in the afternoon, while my three year old recuperated from playing with the older boys by taking a nap, I took the time to talk to a good friend about her present and her future.

"I have an idea." Amy said.  Amy is a creative like me and she and I have both been known to have creative ideas every now and then.  "I really want to start sketching again and I need some motivation.  Would you be interested in having a theme each month and getting a group together to create one piece of art based on that theme?"  Of course I said yes.  I need to motivate just as much as anyone.  We continued to brainstorm as she drove to her hockey practice and came up with a plan to create a Facebook group and start with creating a piece of art around the theme of "INTENTION."

So, each person will think of a one-word intention for the year (I'm thinking "gratitude") and create an image, craft, or design to share with the group.  I'm so excited to get started and motivate to create and share art with friends.  Here's to a successful and creative 2017!